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    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    To have just one thing...

    I'm starting to feel the negative vibes. People around me might feel the same too.Yes, I may not be a strong person, but I will at least try my very best to stay strong and fight thru this war.. Well I guess it is because there is always a reason behind everything that had happened? Haha. My love quote. It actually works for me, alittle. At least I could be more optimistic?..haha..I don't know, you judge it yourself. Hectic weeks is gonna begin real soon. I just pray hard that I could survive this semester.

    Let us stay hand in hand together and walk out from this stones, shall we?
    Be strong and have faith in yourself. Goodluck people.

    Question of the day:
    What are some of the values and beliefs you hold strongly to? Please state :)