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    Thursday, January 10, 2013

    Is this worthwhile?

    It's been awhile. It feels really alive when I started to write. I cannot believe what I've lost. I cannot believe how I betray faith and acceptance. People just aren't the same anymore as time goes by. I cannot see my future, eventually become greedy and I'm afraid by the thinking of mine. I need more. More than just a mere title. Sometimes I wish there will be a twist in life that could held free of everything. But everything seems so little and nothing. 

    I couldnt communicate well because we spoke in a different world. We have the same blood flowing but the way education shape us tears us so far apart. Argument is always on trigger but thanks to yours truly high maintanance of EQ level, I let it go. 

    To me personally, I hope I could grow in a better environment. Not like this being a shadow that doesn't belongs to me. 

    I don't know which irritates me more, you or me? 


    1. "being a shadow that doesn't belongs to me"~~ i like this sentence~~

    2. who bullied you my dear? need to learn how to protect yourself instead! <3

    3. finally alive!! we still here...less than three~
